


01 Raduni Rainbow Family, New Age Ceremony
02 Business Strategy advice by Managment Guru Tom Peters
02 Workshop, The Plague, Hatfield, 2018
01 Raduni Rainbow Family, New Age Ceremony
02 Business Strategy advice by Managment Guru Tom Peters
02 Workshop, The Plague, Hatfield, 2018
~ The Plague, Workshop
As part of the New Age movement, corporations such as IBM, General Electric, AT&T Inc and Procter & Gamble employed Gurus to introduce spiritual thinking in the everyday working environment. Building upon the concept that everyone's potential can be limitless, employees were trained to practice boundarylessness. Personal growth workshops titled Fit For the Future as introduced by IBM explored the potential of leadership through ‘I Ching’ - an ancient divination script - introducing fortune-telling and basic oracle reading exercises.
The workshop considered contemporary forms of rituals and spirituality leading students to design strategies to face a world turned upside down - its current and future rapid changes. Through the rewriting of daily rules and obligations, students designed training exercises as a method to build strength from chaos.
The Crystal Workshop Series, University of Hertfordshire, School of Creative Arts, Hatfield, 2018